Friday, September 16, 2011

Kale chips

Tasty, easy to make, and good for you: what more could you ask for in a snack food?

Kale chips do have a unique flavor that might take a bit of getting used to, but a little bit of salt goes a long way to enhancing the flavor.  Note the "little bit" part.  It's very easy to over salt these, so just use a pinch.  If you have a dehydrator, kale chips can easily be make in there, too!  I prefer the dehydrator simply because it does not heat up the house so much during the summer.  Another bonus of using the dehydrator is that you can put the kale in still damp and they will crisp up just fine.

Now a word of caution that I have not seen anywhere else: they are high in insoluble fiber.  Oh, you might think, that's nice.  Hum... no, really.  It will most certainly loosen your "activity" to the point where if you eat about half a bunch or more of dried kale that very loose results will be coming and lots of green floaters.  Just wanted to give you the heads up so you're not as startled as I was.  o_o

That should not put you off the delicious treat.  Might try this recipe yourself before giving it to friends, just to get the spicing right.  Happy munching!

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