Thursday, August 12, 2010

Never the right time

The BBC article "Iraqi general says planned US troop pull-out 'too soon'" posted August 12 tells of high ranking officers from the region disagreeing with the currently posted withdraw date for U.S. troops. 

Is the U.S. pulling out too soon, leaving the settings ripe for corruption and more brutality from future leaders?  The argument for troops staying is simple: Iraq is a mess and someone needs to have control.  The projected date for a more appropriate U.S. pullout, according to General Zebari, is 2020.  By this time, he claims, the Iraq army and political system will be ready.   Of course the article points out one reason for staying longer is from all the violent deaths still occurring in the country, but also brings up voting issues in the U.S. (no one wants to look bad, right?).  On the flip side, attacks and deaths have, over-all, been going done, many troops have already left, and there are reports that the Iraqi military is ready to take over after U.S. troops leave in 2011.  The last sentence sums up the article very nicely in saying that no matter at what point/time the U.S. removes the last of their active troops, there will be issues and problems to be dealt with by the Iraqi people.

Sticking to the pull-out date is most likely in the best interest of the U.S. and for Iraq.  The region is known for instability and has a violent history which will be a difficult trend to break whether in one year or in twenty.  Letting the Iraqi people have their country back under their own control will hopefully help the people view the U.S. as an ally that came to assist, not a nation coming to conquer, and  might help solidify a sense of responsibility and ownership for their new government.  Will mistakes be made?  Of course (look at the U.S.: getting into wars for the sake of oil, right?  Which, don't get me wrong, is a valuable asset to the economy and every day life).  Let the people make their own mistakes and (hopefully) learn to correct issues for themselves.  Otherwise, blaming every problem on the "conquering nation" would be all too easy.

Stick to the pull-out date despite insecurities?  Yes.

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